COPE's mission is to promote social change in the community through education and through different forms of outreach provided to families in need. Our main objective is to support and preserve the family unit as a foundation for the success of healthy children. Referrals are accepted from CYS and other community agencies.
One goal is to provide families in our community with the Nurturing Parenting Education Program which provides them with alternatives to negative behaviors. COPE also works to ensure children's basic needs are met and helps parents establish goals for family improvement. This is often delivered through home-based services.
COPE also works to educate the community about child abuse prevention. This includes mandated reporter training and other related programming. This training is provided to human service providers and the school districts. If you would like more information on these trainings, please contact Shay Elkins, 717-485-6767, ext. 220.
If you are a parent who is feeling overwhelmed with your children, job, or life and need someone to talk to or you are looking for ideas to help make your life a little less hectic, call COPE. If you are looking for another parent's insight on how to COPE with a situation, attend a Parent Support Group.
Stop abuse before it happens!
In addition to child abuse prevention, COPE is actively involved with other prevention activities including drug and alcohol awareness/prevention. This includes educational programs delivered in the community and through schools, general dissemination of prevention information at community events.
Pictured is the COPE supervised visit room where COPE's supervised visits, parent support groups, and other child care events are sometimes held.
If you would like more information about COPE call (717)485-6767, ext. 222.
A Certified Recovery Specialist (CRS) serves as a role model, mentor, advocate, and motivator to Fulton County residents struggling with addiction. Through lived experience in addiction and recovery, a CRS can offer free peer support throughout all stages of the recovery process to help promote long-term recovery. CRS's are individuals like you who are living their own recovery one day at a time. They are willing to share their own personal experience, strength, and hope to help you discover that recovery is possible.
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and looking for help, please feel free to reach out to our Certified Recovery Specialist, at 717-375-5798 for assistance. The FCFP Referral Form for Certified Recovery Specialist (CRS) services can be found at the link below-